Thursday, April 29, 2010

Review Format

As a service to our fellow gamers out there, I thought it'd be cool to do some video game reviews - of games we own, games we rent, etc. You've probably read many so know the basics, but here's a format to follow in creating your own:

Specs: Title, cost, release date

Graphics: Both the technical quality of the graphics, as well as the artistic quality. How smoothly the game’s graphics run factor into this score, as well.

Sound: Covers sound effects, voice acting, and music.

Gameplay: In essence, how fun the game actually is to play. This covers things like the controls, difficulty level, design of levels, etc. For games that come from genres that rely heavily on their story (particularly RPGs), I may adjust this score slightly to reflect how well the story is executed, as well. Obviously, this is the most important component.

Value: Covers things like replay value, the length of time it takes to go through the game, the price the game is going for in retail stores, etc. For example, if a game has a solid multiplayer mode, lots of unlockables, and several modes to play through in single player as well, expect to see a high rating here. Also, if the game is solid, and comes out with a lower-than-normal retail price, it will also earn a high score in this category.

Overall: Overall impression of the game. Use a rating system - 9 out of 10, for instance, for an awesome game.

That's it! Now if you get a chance, post a review for a game you've been playing lately.

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